North Eastern Branch of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India

NEBAOI Constitution


The name of the association shall be the North Eastern Branch of the Association of Otolaryngologists of the India (NEBAOI).

The office shall be located at a central place preferably at Guwahati.

The aims & objectives shall be

  1. To have common platform to exchange the views, experiences, to develop and promote fellowship etc. Amongst the otolaryngologists of this part of the country.
  2. To ventilate common grievances for their amelioration.
  3. To hold scientific discussion by present papers on problems of otolaryngologists.
  4. By doing such other things as may be necessary and helpful to the attainment of the aims & objects of the branch pertaining to the local interest.

The association shall have life and associate members. Its shall also include Honorary Members.

  1. Life Members shall be those who are qualified E.N.T. specialist (MS/DLO/DNB)
  2. Associates member shall be those who are interested otolaryngologists but belongs to other specialty. This will also include post graduate student in E.N.T.
  3. Honorary Members those who contain special service to otolaryngologists.

Application for membership of the association should be send to the Honorary Sec. to be placed before the executive committee for decision regarding the eligibility and the class to which the applicant would fall.

Membership and financial year:

Financial year shall be from November to October of net calendar year. A register shall bear the name, address and qualification and other particulars of the members.

Cessation of Membership-Membership of the associate shall cease-

  1. By voluntary resignation.
  2. Failure of payment and subscription for one year after due date etc.
  3. By other causes are fit enough to make the for-feature of membership. In any case the executive committee will have the decision to this effect.

Every members shall pay a fees of Rs.50 (Fifty) as enrolment fee. The annual subscription for Rs.100 (Hundred) for association member. The subscription for life membership, the life membership wills Rs.1500 (Fifteen Hundred) subscription shall be payable in advance provision of donation shall be there.

The management shall be vested on the executive committee and management which shall have full power in the control and management of the affairs of the associations. It shall consists of sixteen members-

  1. Past President
  2. President
  3. President Elect
  4. Vice President
  5. Honorary Secretary
  6. Honorary Secretary
  7. Honorary Treasurer
  8. Chairman, Editorial Board
  9. Editor, JNEBAOI
  10. Members (7 Nos)

Tenure of Executive committee and election:

Office bearers of the executive committee will office for a period of one year or till the end of the session whichever is longer. One third of total members of the association should be present at the annual General Meeting.
*Tenure of the Hon. Sec./Treasure/Hon. Joint Sec. and Editorial Chairman Editor is for two years.

The Vice President will be elected every year and he will become the President elect automatically in the subsequent year.The President elect will become the President and the President becomes past President.

Executive committee members will be elected every year. In the event of a vacancy occurring for any account Existing members of the Executive Committee shall elect the office bearer in the said vacancy and the person so elected shall hold office for the period for which his predecessor would have functioned.

Functions of Executive Members:
The President-When present shall preside at all meeting of the executive committee. All documents, Contracts and Accounts shall be made and or signed by the President. PRESIDENT ELECT – shall preside over the meeting when the President is absent.

Honorary General Secretary – The property of the association shall be in the possession of the Honorary Sec. and he shall perform the usual function of the office and the responsible for carrying out the resolution of the meetings. He shall keep a record of proceeding and keep the account and record and maintain a register.

Honorary treasurer-shall maintain a true and accurate account of the association and shall make a statement regarding of financial position at the annual General Meeting.

The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall jointly sign all cheques, notes, bill and other documents.

  1. The annual meeting of the associate shall be held within twelve months after the previous one unless the Executive Committee by a majority resolves otherwise.
  2. The Honorary Sec. shall be at least one month notice for the annual General Meeting.
  3. The quorum at the annual General Meeting shall be one third of the total strength.
  4. Meetings of the Executive Committee.
  5. Members of the executive committee shall meet at least once a year before holding the annual meeting.
  6. The President when present shall preside at all the meeting and his absence the President elect shall preside.

An account opened in local bank to be operated jointly by the Honorary Sec. and Honorary Treasurer.

A separate account shall be maintain by the editor of the general named A/C. The account of the association shall be audited either by a registered auditor or by a committee appointed by the Executive Committee.

A journal will be published yearly in the name of NEBAOI. The Editorial Board will consists of –

  1. Chairman
  2. Editor
  3. Two members co-opted from the Executive Body, The office of the Editorial Board will be of two years duration. The fund for the publication will meet for sources to be decided open by the General Body.
  4. Life members will get the Journal free of costs.

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