+91 94351 04443   info@nebaoi.org
North Eastern Branch of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India

NEBAOI Awards & Orations

1. Dr. L.H. Hirandani Award I

For the best scientific paper from the otolaryngologists of N.E.Region with 5 to 15 years of professional standing after obtaining postgraduate degree.

2. Dr. L.H. Hirandani Award II

For the best scientific paper from the teaching staff of the Medical Colleges of N.E.Region with less than 15 years of professional standing after obtaining postgraduate degree.

3. Dr. S.N. Sarma Award

For the best scientific paper open to students undergoing postgraduate studies in otorhinolaryngology and house surgeons of medical colleges of N.E.Region.

4. Swami Vivekananda Award

For the best scientific paper presentation by members of NEBAOI.

5. Dr. S.N. Sarma Memorial Award Oration

For the best scientific paper based on original work by a senior otolaryngologist of N.E. Region above the age of 45 years.

6. Dr. B.R. Das Memorial Travel Fellowship

Rules and Regulations
  • Submission of Applications.
  • Paper and biodata of the applicant in triplicate to be sent Honorary secretary of NEBAOI.
  • Amount of scholarship will be Rs. 20000.
  • For receiving advance training in otorhinolaryngology in a centre of India outside the NE Region. (Eligibility criteria is that candidates have passed a post graduate course within 2 years of a forthcoming NEBAOICON).
  • Attendance certificate at centre, where training was taken must be presented to NEBAOI after completion.
  • A synopsis of the period must also be presented.
  • Training centre have to select candidate himself or herself.

7. Free Papers

8. Video Sessions

9. Dr. Y. Savizo Quiz Competition

10. Presidential Oration by NEBAOI President

Rules and Regulations for Awards (No. 1,2,3 & 5)

  1. Last date of submission of papers to be decided by organizing secretary of respective NEBAOICON.
  2. Paper based on original work pertaining to diseases of ENT.
  3. Paper must not be presented or published earlier in part or in full.
  4. Send three copies, type written in double space with 2.5 cm margin on all sides and with diagrams, charts, photographs etc. along with attested Xerox copy of post graduation Certificates.
  5. Awardees will have to present the paper in person at the NEBAOI conference.
  6. Candidate must be a valid member of NEBAOI.
  7. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  8. Time: 15 mins for No. 1, 2 & 3 awards and 30 mins for Award No.5 & 10 mins for No. 7 and 8.

Rules and Regulations for Award No. 4

  1. Last date of submission to be decide by respective organizing secretary, NEBAOICON.
  2. Quality of both material and presentation will be considered.
  3. Paper must not be presented or published earlier in part or in full.
  4. Send three copies, type written in double space with 2.5 cm margin on all sides and with diagrams, charts, photographs etc. along with attested Xerox copy of post graduation Certificates.
  5. Awardees will have to present the paper in person at the NEBAOI conference.
  6. Candidate must be a valid member of NEBAOI.
  7. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  8. Time: 8 mins.

The above papers No.4,11,12 names of quiz participants are to be sent to:

Organizing Secretary NEBAOICON

All the papers (expect for SWAMI VIVEKANANDA AWARD papers free papers, video sessions and name of the quiz participants) are to be send to:

Hony. Secretary, NEBAOI

Rules and Regulations for Poster Presentation:

Poster size should be 3 feet (diagonal) x 4 feet (vertical)

Medals to be arranged and given at NEBAOICON.

Gold plated medals for Award:

  • Dr. L.H. Hiranandani Award – 11
  • Dr. S.N. Sarma Award
  • Dr. C. Das Oration

By Silchar Branch of NEBAOI
Gold plated medals for Award:

  • Dr. L.H. Hiranandani Award – 1

By Imphal Branch of NEBAOI
Gold plated medals for Award:

  • Swami Vivekananda Award

Gold plated medals for Award :

  • Dr. S.N. Sarma Memorial Award Oration

By Nalbari Branch of NEBAOI



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